Herald Drama
Herald Drama is a community abiding in truth, abounding with grace and compelled by Christ’s love to be a relevant and redemptive voice in a changing world. We maintain strong professional ethics that empower students to pursue career paths appropriate to their abilities.
Wyatt Logan
Wyatt Logan has been the Donut Panic Improv Coach since 2018, and the theatre teacher and director at Whittier Christian High School since 2023. Mr. Logan regularly auditions for film and television projects and has appeared in national commercials as well as over 30 theatrical productions. Favorite roles include Paris In Romeo and Juliet, Ned Alleyn in Shakespeare in Love, Mabelu in The Old Man and the Old Moon, The Mad Hatter in Alice: An Immersive Adventure, and a member of the original cast of The Leo Fender Project (winner of a grant from the California Humanities). Wyatt holds a BA in Communications from Cal State University Fullerton.